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noun bi·ol·o·gy \bī-ˈä-lə-jē\
Definition of biology
1: a branch of knowledge that deals with living organisms and vital processes advances in the field of biology a biology textbook
2a: the plant and animal life of a region or environment the biology of the rainforest
B: the life processes especially of an
organism or group the biology of cancer cells; broadly: ecology
the biosphere - Part 1
the biosphere - Part 2
Answer the following questions in your workbook:
1. List the four Greek words used to name the four spheres of our planet.
2. List all the types of water contained in the Hydrosphere
3. How would you tell apart the components of the hydro- and atmospheres when there is a rainstorm at the beach? Your answer can be in table format.
Remember to write the heading and date!
Heading: Biosphere - Introduction
Video 2 Answers
(You do not need to copy the questions :)
Ma'am O
biodiversity of ANIMALS
biodiversity of PLANTS
reproduction: angiosperm
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